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What is Quick Renewal?

Modernization Service Unique to the JES Group

This is JES Group's unique modernization service that enables significant reduction in "cost" and "lead time" by replacing only the "control panel," which is the "brain (control tower)" of the elevator.

Learn About “Quick Renewal” in 3 Minutes

Low Cost & Speedy Modernizations

Elevators Have a Life Span of About 20 Years

The legal depreciable life of an elevator is only 17 years, and the average useful life of its major equipment is estimated at 20 years. Furthermore, the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) evaluation index planned useful life by the Building and Equipment Long-life Cycle Association is 25 years. Even with continuous maintenance, deterioration due to aging cannot be completely prevented. In addition, for some models, the supply of parts is suspended by the manufacturer, making it difficult to obtain parts, and thus creating the risk of difficulty in restoring the elevator in the event of a malfunction. By renewing elevators, including parts that are no longer supplied, it will be possible to use them safely, securely, and comfortably.

Differences from Conventional Modernization

The expensive work cost and long suspension period are the main headaches of elevator modernization. Conventional modernization work requires the replacement of the control panel, hoisting machine, and all other associated items in the electrical transmission system all at once, resulting in a suspension period of one week and high costs. To solve this problem, the JES Group has developed "Quick Renewal," a unique renewal service in which only the control panel is replaced, minimizing waste and making renewal environmentally friendly.

  • * We support models for which parts supply has been stopped or is about to be stopped.
  • * Some elevators may not be eligible for Quick Renewal. Please inquire for details.

Significant Cost Savings

Quick Renewal replaces only the control panel, including parts that are no longer supplied, reducing the cost to less than half that of standard modernization. The JES Group offers a variety of optional packages to make elevators safer and more comfortable at reduced cost. We offer a wide range of products to meet your needs, including safety equipment to add to basic construction, design elements for freer manipulation of impression, and accessibility support functions like car handrails and mirrors.

About Half a Day of Work Time to Replace Only the Minimum Necessary

Conventional modernization work requires a week long suspension, which has a significant impact on users, and this was one of the reasons why it was difficult to undertake the modernization work early, even though users understood the necessity of doing so. Quick Renewal drastically reduces the suspension period to half a day. Since construction can be performed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it can also be done at times when people are less likely to be in and out of the building, in response to customer requests.

  • * Work time can vary depending on elevator and building conditions.

How Can We Do This?

We here at the JES Group work every day to develop new ways to bring customers safety, security, and convenience. In 2017, the JES Group completed construction on its research and development center JES Innovation Center (JIC), complete with elevator test towers, and launched the Quick Renewal service to achieve fast, low cost modernizations. Then, in October 2020 the completion of the JES Innovation Center Lab (JIL) brought our total number of test elevators to 10, bringing our development speed that much faster.