Message from CEO
Safety above anything else, We will accelerate our sustainability management
The JES Group continues to grow by solving social issues through its business based on the management principles of "Safety above anything else," "No cutting corners," and "Building on trust.”
In order to continue sustainable growth, we believe it is essential to promote harmony with the environment and society, and to work to solve social issues through our business.
The maintenance services we provide for elevators and other equipment are intended to support the safe and secure operation of elevators as a means of transportation for personal and corporate activities, thereby creating a rich living environment by supporting the lives of all users.
As a result of establishing a nationwide network of offices in Japan and promoting the business by allocating the necessary human resources, we achieved a net increase of 10,000 units in maintenance contracts in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, growing to 97,000 units as of December 31, 2023.
It is estimated that there are approximately 1.1 million elevators in Japan, and the JES Group has a market share of over 8%.
As the number of maintenance contracts increases, the number of users naturally increases, and we recognize that our social responsibility for our services has increased.
The Basic Sustainability Policy adopted by the Board of Directors in November 2021, as well as "Quality and Safety" and "Occupational Safety and Employee Engagement" as set out in the Materiality, continued to be the foundation of our sustainability and we have been strengthening them as the engine of our business growth.
Specifically, the Group strengthened its quality standards, recruitment, and human resources. The number of employees was 1,870 at the end of December 2023, and the number of technical personnel was 1,178. These numbers have increased by 104 and 82, respectively, since the end of March 2023. In April 2023, we hired a record number of new graduates and promoted the development of a structure to support business growth and safety and security in accordance with our medium-term management plan.
In addition, as a company listed on the Prime Market, we have made efforts to understand the reality of climate change and other environmental issues as they affect our business. We calculated the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the entire Group, including the supply chain for the fiscal year ended March 2023.
We will continue to develop reduction targets based on our business plan.
Our various efforts will contribute to solving social issues and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society with you. We appreciate your continued support.
President and Representative Director CEO
Katsushi Ishida
Message from Sustainability Chair
Pursuing Solutions for Social Issues and Business Development
The JES Group has expressed its strong commitment to ESG management in VISION2027. As the environment surrounding our business activities is becoming increasingly uncertain and various changes are expected in the future, ESG strategies will become more important for strong resilience.
In May 2022, we established a Sustainability Committee to analyze risks and opportunities related to sustainability and to organize issues necessary for growth.
The company recorded record earnings for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, and is forecasting record earnings for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 as well (as of December 2023.)
As a publicly listed company, it is meaningless to conduct business development and management with only social contribution in mind. It is important to incorporate ESG strategies into our business and contribute to society through the growth of that business.
■Contributing to society through nationwide expansion
The JES Group is expanding its network of offices throughout Japan, and in developing high-quality services at each location, we are focusing on securing and training human resources. We create jobs in each region and create an environment in which these employees can build their careers by acquiring a high level of expertise.
Based on this system, we are working to protect the safety and security of users of elevators and other facilities so that they can live comfortable and sustainable lives.
■Strengthening Governance
In June 2022, the Nominating and Compensation Committee was established to provide an advisory body for the selection and compensation of directors. We strive to strengthen governance in accordance with JES Group policies such as compliance observance and anti-corruption. In communication with our shareholders, we also create opportunities for them to learn more about the JES Group by proactively conducting investor interviews.
■Environmental Considerations
As part of our environmental efforts through our business, we are making efforts to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by switching to LED lighting in elevators, recycling parts used for repair and other purposes, and promoting refurbishing projects. In addition to aggregating its own greenhouse gas emissions, starting in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, the company began aggregating the emissions of its entire supply chain. We will assess our company's actual situation and plan and implement specific initiatives that can reduce.
Director Deputy President CFO
General Manager, Corporate Administration Headquarters
Sustainability Committee Chairman
Kimihiko Imamura